Monday, September 1, 2008

Captain Jack is SHARP As Ever!

Manteca is looking for a few good men and women to assist in volunteering for the Manteca Police SHARPS, the senior citizen unarmed patrol unit that helps the local police in various areas that not only assist them in patrol, but helps free up sworn officers for more serious calls. This time it's Jack Snyder who is sitting at the helm as Captain of the SHARP's for a second time.

I have decided to endorse my choice for city council candidate of Manteca. It is not Jack Snyder.

Manteca has been increasing in size and with big businesses coming to town with future growth With it comes a lot of time and consumed thinking for our city council to be involved with. What we see now is Jack Snyder who is 82 years old and still moving. I applaud you Jack, but your time has come. It's obvious that Steve and the boys wanted you to run for election because of the competition and if you win, you get to retire and the board gets to choose whoever they want to complete your term.

However, being 82 means that your time has past for a city that is advancing. This is now a serious situation for our city of Manteca because we need people on the council who can articulate and keep up with technology and trends that we now have become accustomed to on a daily basis. Furthermore, the SHARP's is a serious unit and it takes quite a lot of time and energy out of anyone even if half the age of Jack Snyder.

See article here:

Captain Jack and Chief Bricker themselves have stated the duties of the SHARP's and the need now is for a third vehicle to patrol the streets. This is no cake-walk and its not for those who can't spend the time in this unit. Being a Captain of SHARP is a huge responsibility in itself and requires dedication and commitment almost on a full-time basis. It makes it impossible for you to give your time and be on the city council. Now, Jack has teamed up with Steve DeBrum in his campaign fund raising.

How much does it cost to be bought in this town? The developers have been riding the backs of Manteca for too long and now they are buying their control all over again. This last weeks fund raising event spelled it out clearly. Do we want more of the same or do we want change? I say we need change and we need more of it.

My vote and my endorsement goes to Samuel Anderson. He is running a clean and precise campaign that has a platform and a message as a fiscal conservative. I'm not sure who else will get my vote, but it's not going to be Steve DeBrum. So, vote YES for Samuel Anderson.

Vote NO for Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder.

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