Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Manteca City Council to make official pay-off vote

It didn't take long for the City Council to vote an end to the lawsuit against the developers after last weeks historic luncheon at Chez Shari Golf Club that netted several thousands of dollars for the two incumbents Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder.

Call it what you will, but it does not look right. It smells of dead fish just like when the sugar factory was here, boy did it smell bad. Hence, Man-Stinkca!

I enjoyed the reading of the fabulous reporting by Ben Marrone on how the press was not invited and nobody in the know knew about how much was collected. The developers were more than happy to mention how both Steve DeBrum and Captain Jack Snyder got things (projects) done. This is now their reward for all the possitive votes in favor of the developers who would rather have a fast growth and fast profits over slow growth and what is more important for the city. Now we have a deficet and are in debt well over 8 million dollars.

Although it is the American way of politics to donate money and it is needed in any race, I have an issue with this current council being the same all the way through so many years. I suggest that if these two men get voted to retain their seats, then there should be no issues with the press or anyone else bringing up complaints against them. You will have asked for it.

It's time for a change and the only candidate I see so far is Samuel Anderson. I wish the others would show some guts.

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