Saturday, September 13, 2008

The First Precinct Polling Calls Are In

After 200 phone calls to random registered voters, one hundred Democrats and one hundred Republicans I have your results on Manteca's city council race.

I purposefully left out all Independents and Others at this time because I wanted to see the party lines of who they would vote for. It did take more calls to obtain the 200 responses required by my polling.

Here are the results in order of First Place and below:


Samuel Anderson: 52 Democrats will vote

Steve DeBrum: 12 Democrats will vote

Ben Cantu: 11 Democrats will vote

Debby Moorhead: 5 Democrats will vote

20 Democrats stated unsure who they will vote for.


Samuel Anderson: 69 Republicans will vote

Steve DeBrum: 13 Republicans will vote

Debby Moorhead: 6 Republicans will vote

Ben Cantu: 2 Republicans will vote

10 Republicans stated unsure who they will vote for.

There you have it! Samuel Anderson is clearly in the lead and due to his daily door to door campaigning. Something the others should be worried about. It is too late now to catch up on this type of campaigning.

Have you noticed that Jack Snyder was not even mentioned? Although, he was spoken about in almost every phone call, but the voters were very hesitant and had decided that his age and time on the board has been served and the city is in need of 'new blood'. I agree.

Debby Moorhead and Ben Cantu, both newcomers have an opportunity here I see. However, Debby is running a poor campaign and relies on others to do her job of campaigning. Speaking to groups and clubs does not work, it does not reach out to the people. Maybe this time it will give her experience to run in the next election.

Ben Cantu is making his rounds and speaking at hometown type events and writing letters to the editor. This is good, but too early is too much. Inexperience shows in his race as well. Both he and Debby do not have signs yet, at least I have not seen them around town at this time.

Samuel Anderson is experienced and is getting well-groomed for the election and the position of city councilman. Not only is he running a campaign on limited funds mostly his own, he is showing how his fiscal responsibility can stretch a dollar to the maximum effect of gaining voters and building relationships at the same time. This is the character the people are screaming about for our council. Apparently the others are not listening. Samuel has and is working the streets.

It's amazing how the Manteca Bulletin and the Sun Post have not run any stories yet about the candidates or their bios. There are eight candidates let alone all the other races that are of concern to our city. However, there is plenty of space in both papers about the two incumbents. I think Carlon Perry is bias and is choosing to stay middle-left of the road instead of center-right where he stated long ago where his paper would be and stay. So far, he does not have my endorsement of being on any district board.

The Manteca Bulletin appears to be bias. They and the Sun Post need to start getting their act together and stop being bias about not writing about the candidates because it is now being obvious they are being ignored entirely. I have been the only one so far and the only one to have made local precinct polling by placing calls. I will continue this in two weeks from now and make more calls and post them to this site. I'm sure things will change by then. Stay tuned.

NOTE: This is not an official polling. It was done privately and independently of any service or news organization with official polling systems in place.

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