Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tax and Spend Liberals Tend to Stick Together

Manteca City Councilman Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder both have campaigned for Manteca's half-cent tax increase to place Manteca as the highest tax paying city in San Joaquin County. Not only did Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder vote for this tax increase, Steve DeBrum was on the committee for the tax increase, something Jerry McNerney is proud of since he voted for three tax increases and bringing back the marriage penalty, death tax and many others.

This is typical of tax and spend liberals and while both Candidates Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder are running at Republicans, they both are not fiscally responsible and do not support the conservative values of cutting taxes and limiting spending. The City of Manteca is currently 8.8 million dollars in debt.

Where we need to be concerned about is how they are going to be endorsed by the various organizations and political parties. The way it works is if you are a paying member of the party, and you are an incumbent, generally you will be endorsed. Honestly, the parties on both sides need to start cleaning house and get rid of those who vote for the members only. They have no clue to any of the others who show true Reagan Conservative values such as Samuel Anderson. He has said, 'no' to the establishment and has gone door-to-door garnering votes from every registered voter in Manteca.

What's troubling is the Manteca Bulletin and Sun Post have yet to write about the candidates with seven weeks left until the election except to take responses from Samuel Anderson and turn it into a letter to the editor including changing around his response in order to make his position look bad among voters. Where are you newspapers? How come you are not writing about the candidates? Is it because you don't have qualified reporters to do it right? I can believe that. Ben Marrone (Sun Post) is in my opinion the only well qualified journalist and man of his word from what I hear. Great job, Ben!

Last night was the South San Joaquin Republicans meeting with Frank Aquila. This man has it right and he's got the right stuff for the county as a whole including what the city of Manteca needs since he resides in Manteca. His organization has stepped up the values of the conservative base as well as set his city on fire for bringing more awareness to its citizens that we (Manteca) are the Family City. A Family City is a city with values, family values that are an American tradition of Christian values including values of several cultures that make up the family across the world. Job well-done, Frank!

Several candidates joined with Frank Aquila themed Dean Andal Night. Dean shined and delivered a short and to-the-point conservative family values to the citizens that showed up in record numbers, again, something that proves Frank must be doing something right. Everyone agreed that Sara Palin has rocked the house and shook up the establishment and it's so good that McCain is able to campaign as a Presidential candidate while his Vice-Presidential candidate is the one fighting Presidential candidate Barack Obama. It's so laughable because it shows how his inexperience glows more than his halo around his head. Joe Biden? Where is he? If anyone finds him, please let me know.

Out of the Manteca City Council candidates only Steve DeBrum and Samuel Anderson showed up. Debby Moorhead had briefly shown up and then left after about two minutes. Again, a poorly run campaign and very dysfunctional at best. As for the others, they were a no-show. I have some sound advice for the rest of you candidates and political bone-heads, Frank Aquila's group is the largest and most organized and most written about and happens to be in your city. You had better get to know him well and spend some time at his events if you ever want to keep your seats because eventually it will catch up to you.

Our city has been hijacked by the current council and paid off by the developers and contractors who work on the projects they vote for. They have increased our taxes and gotten us in debt. It's time for the truth to come out and we need a change. I personally want Samuel Anderson for our Mayor, but I'm willing to get him into the council first and let's make him the Pro-tem. That is Vice-Mayor for those who don't know this. The one with the most votes in the election obtains this position for the next two years.

Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder are both tax and spend liberals who voted for the increase we have in Manteca and are responsible for the debt we are in. Jerry McNerney's record is in line with these two councilman and this is the reason why they have raised a record amount of contributions from developers and contractors to fight off the people trying to get them out of office. I have yet to hear from the others, but again, Samuel Anderson is still going door-to-door with his platform of reform and change for the better.

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