Saturday, September 20, 2008

John Diaz of Manteca Is Running For City Congress

In typical Democratic rhetoric and let's place a higher tax on the people of Manteca to get things done, John Diaz mortgage broker is using the race ticket to bait Mantecans into voting for him. His website states everything of a typical tax and spend liberal with increased taxes to hand out to those who are not white.

In a city election what matters most? All citizens (At least those who vote). It doesn't matter what race you are. In this case, John Diaz wants to promote more programs for minorities, more businesses for minorities, more welfare programs which means MORE taxes. If my memory serves me correctly, Manteca has quite a few businesses that are considered minority. In typical Democratic fashion he cries foul.

Is he crazy? You be the judge. Manteca is the highest taxed city in San Joaquin County. John Diaz's site does not even come close to what the city is in need of. He speaks about the following and I quote:

"In the past 5 years, I have been debating and defending the views of the Democratic Party."

"I play a very active role that promotes various activities for large Filipino-American Organizations."

"As an active leader in the various Filipino-American Organizations in San Joaquin County, I expect to rally the support of my diversified constituents."

"I listen to the various views within my constituents."

"I am for the preservation of our local natural wonders. I will advocate for a balanced economic growth."

"We need to develop a plan that would allow for more competitions between Health Care Providers. I believe that the Local Government could play a major role."

"I believe that barriers that are now facing the undeserved minority communities. I will promote and or support programs."

"Create programs, such as adult school after work English classes, Basic Business Principles Classes, etc. that will help educate minorities."

"creation of a new policy that will promote and provide better opportunities for women and minority owned businesses will be one of my top priorities."

"we must invest in education of all races."

"Public Schools must not take part in teachings of any religions."

"Through my office, at a Local level, I would encourage my fellow City Council Members to put this issue in the forefront of our agenda and demand Congress to provide common-sense solutions."

"Provide funding to private and public school institutions in order to stimulate the creation of programs."

"Provide incentives to local business owners that will provide financial support to such programs."

"I am for reforming the current ‘No Child Left Behind Plan,' I will support increasing the funding."

This might sound stupid, but John Diaz needs to be running for Congress, not Manteca City Council. Manteca doesn't need funding of social projects. Manteca doesn't need someone who thinks he can run his position like a congressman. His projects and programs are geared for those who want handouts. Manteca does NOT WANT TO BECOME A WELFARE CITY. John Diaz has it all backwards. As a candidate for city council John Diaz plans to change the Family City into more taxed, over taxed and expensive to live.

To suggest that the foreclosure crisis is 'unquestionably serious', John Diaz should look in the mirror and reflect on his involvement as a mortgage broker that helped contribute to the bankrupt developers, banks, home-owners, defaulted loans and much more. Furthermore, using race as a tactic to obtain votes is hypocrytical. We don't need people who are out of touch with all Americans and place them in ethnic groups.

Manteca does not need a man who will represent only those who want handouts and freebies. At our current levels we need to be cutting taxes and watching our spending. Jerry McNerney and John Diaz have a lot in common. Not even most Democrats want more taxes, yet he wants to increase taxes to levels that would be disastrous and out-of-touch with Mantecans in a State that has already over-spent and increased our taxes and wants to increase it more.

Does Manteca want to become a hub for welfare recipients and vagrants? We have enough crime and enough problems. Social programs such as his would ruin Manteca and bring down the value of our homes, neighborhoods, schools and businesses. Manteca will not be able to attract those who wish to raise their children in an atmosphere of safe neighborhoods and free of welfare handouts and more section 8 housing. His beliefs are not in line with Manteca.

John Diaz stands on the following:

  1. Higher Taxes
  2. Welfare Handouts
  3. Abortion
  4. Homosexual Marriage
  5. No Support of our Military
  6. More Spending on Social Programs
  7. No Religion in Schools Whatsoever
Manteca needs to decide on this candidate and I already have. Visit his website and see for yourself. John Diaz does not have the background experience that Manteca needs for a city councilman. Do not vote for John Diaz. Manteca does not need a more tax and spend liberal on the city council. Playing the race card is not and acceptable method of gaining votes or popularity.

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