Thursday, August 28, 2008

Let the Truth be known

I've written about truth in the past and as a writer I've tried my best to make sure I kept within the boundaries of real journalism. When I am writing about an opinion I need to make sure I keep it within the realm of truth and not with words of some junior sports writer who uses others to get his/her point across that have nothing to do with their story/opinion whatsoever.

I can honestly say that I am happy to see that the Manteca Bulletin has taken off its site the opinion against Frank Aquila, Chairman of the South San Joaquin Republicans. I think they kept it on there because of all the negative responses the bulletin received, they were looking for that one person who would respond in their favor. And, they did. Yes, it was boring and I'm not going to write about it. Manteca Bulletin, you lost!

Now, I have to say that Frank Aquila hit his latest one out of the ball park. A grand slam if I may say. Again, it was truth. It was clear what the message was and it had a humorous bite to it that was satisfying to read. It hit my journalistic palate consisting of well-done truth and a portion of authentic appreciation of real intellect. Bravo, Iron-author Frank Aquila. You have written a simple opinion to nourish the minds and encourage others to stand up for real opinions.

I have just returned from visiting my television from watching the DNC acceptance speech of Barak Hussein Obama. It was a beautiful stage and the atmosphere was enchanting. Someone spent some BIG BUCKS on this Broadway show of Presidential ambitions because that is exactly what it was, a giant show and it ended with San Francisco Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi who was the chair of the event. Her closing words, "Now, go out there and elect as many democrats as you possibly can to all levels of government from local to the President, good night." All this after a week of line-up losers from past elections, Gore, Kerry and Hillary. Let's hope the trend continues.

The message was clear and the intent is to see that only democrats get elected. The party that screams the loudest about diversity has no room for any other except themselves. Obama was clear on abortion, gay rights throughout all facets of society and gun ownership. I would like to see Rick Warren on stage tomorrow morning with full press attending giving his response to this. Ministers need to start showing up to meetings such as Frank's and they need to start getting involved and they need to start showing that they have a pair. Maybe then they will have more attendies at their churches.

Frank Aquila's message was clear. It was simple yet brilliant and it was pure innovation. Should the CRA start to worry even more about the South San Joaquin Republicans? Yes, both they and the liberals should look up the meaning of 'fear'. Dinosaurs have a way of ending up in museums or in someones tank of gas.

Great job to the Manteca Bulletin for printing Frank Aquila's latest article. Please keep the sports editor watching the girls tennis team this time.

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