Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Manteca Bulletin Endorses Diane Feinstein For Governor

In today's Opinion section of the Manteca Bulletin, Dennis Wyatt - Managing Editor, has endorsed Senator Diane Feinstein for California's next governor.

I'm just a bit confused here because the Manteca Bulletin does not officially endorse any candidate or incumbent. It's clear and obvious how they use (abuse) the Opinion section of the paper to get their left-wing agenda across to the readers. This was not an opinion, it was an endorsement because when you have an editor of the local paper give his personal endorsement of a sitting politician in the Opinion section, it tends to lend some sort of credibility to the nature of the topic (cause).

Click here for the opinion:

Calling it a solid choice for our next Governor without any regards to other possible candidates is a devout ideology of one-way politics reminiscent of past-time Stalin-ism mixed with modern day events. The Manteca Bulletin has now become a modern day vocal point for the current city council and politics as usual by using their paper to endorse others under disguise and influence the population by non-journalistic printing. Where is the reporting? Where is the journalism?

I wrote about Jack Snyder yesterday because the current police chief Dave Bricker who happens to be the director of Jack's campaign has given him the rank of Captain of the Manteca SHARP's. This might seem like a nice item to have written about in the pages, but there is no way in Hell that he can run this unit and be on the council at the same time, especially at the age of 82. Get real. They are so out of touch with reality and the people that they did not think we saw this one coming. If this isn't a stunt for some brownie points with the press and public, then Captain Jack Snyder should retire from his campaign and use his time wisely by being in charge of the Manteca SHARP's.

The recent luncheon of developers and contractors for the Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder re-election campaign tells us of two things. One, it was the pay-off of their votes to keep the developers in power of our city. Second, it has showed that Jack is in with Steve and the rest of the boys and he is weak and needs the help of Steve DeBrum. Why not? They asked him to run again in hopes of Jack winning the election so he can retire a short time after.

Manteca needs change and I believe it will have that change. I'm hoping that both Jack and Steve don't get re-elected, but that might be too much to ask for. I do know that Jack will not be elected because he is just too old and traditional. I speak with many people every day and they all tell me the same thing, Jack is too old and needs to retire from the council. It's time for new blood. That new blood is Samuel Anderson.

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