Saturday, November 7, 2009

U.S. Congress Declares War On American Citizens

The United States House of Representatives today passed HR3962, the Pelosi health care act.  This bill is designed to take away the rights of the American citizens and violates the United States Constitution.  This is a direct attack on the American people and their rights and privacy and we should not stand for it.

The Democratic party, DNC, has violated the oath of office and have declared war.  If our founding fathers were alive today, they would not be sending out faxes or emails, they would be up in arms destroying these anti-freedom liberals who are hell bent on attacking our freedoms and ruling us, not represesenting us.

It sickens me that we have come down to this and have allowed special interest groups, foreignors and illegal aliens take a great stand in our country causing us to become an even more weakened.

Anh 'Joseph' Cao, Republican "in name only" from Louisiana has voted for this bill.  He was born in Vietnam, what does this tell you?  It is time to get rid of this RINO and ensure that we get rid of all RINO's across this country.  It's time for a revolution to take place and to get rid of these bigot "I hate America" legislators. 

Anh 'Joseph' Cao is a traitor to this nation.

When will the U.S. Supreme Court intervene?  This illegal act should be stopped immediately.  America is being taken over from within and it's time to stop all those who wish to kill this great nation and conservative values.  Death to liberalism.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Democrats Are Killing Our Children By Poisoning The Milk - Children Suffer

Health-care Bill 3962 is designed to kill our children. Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats have skillfully created a bill that will kill the dairy industry and not provide health-care, but will cause widespread deaths of the American family and their ability to feed their children good healthy wholesome milk.

Milk has been a traditional supplement of a daily program to feed our children. Milk is now higher in cost than a gallon of gas. Milk is going to be taxed even further than it is now to pay for more taxes being placed as an unnecessary burden on families already having a difficult time making payments on common necessities.

What have the liberals decided to do instead? They exchanged good food for spoiled rotten sour Harvey Milk Gay Day!  Un-nutritious! Democrats feel and believe with all their hearts that this Milk is better than the one coming from a cow or goat. "Let's put the diary farmers out of business so we can save the environment and give them an alternative (lifestyle) instead so we can keep methane gas from polluting our air, but we'll instead pollute their minds and force them to comply."  Democrats have spoken.

This Obamacare Pelosi, Reid health-care bill is a signed death warrant on our children. It will force mothers to pay a tax they can not afford instead of buying good wholesome milk for their baby's growth and overall health. It will cause these children to die. It will starve them to death. Nancy Pelosi doesn't care. She does not listen, and loves to kill humans. She is not a representative, she is an acting arrogant ruler.

You have to ask yourself a question America. Do you want the Democrats to kill your children by forcing you to comply with paying a tax that you can't afford and sending you to prison? Or, do you want to be able to keep milk costs down so you can feed your children and keep them healthy? Do you want to see your grand children some day? The only Milk you're going to be getting in California is the Harvey brand. This is the law already and if you continue to sleep, you will soon be forced to take the Homogenized version out of your daily diet.

Say 'NO' to Harvey (spoiled sour) Milk and 'YES' to HOMOGENIZED - Call your Congress Representative and inform them to vote 'NO' on HR 3962.   Say 'NO' to our children suffering and not being able to drink their milk.

The Vilification of Rush

American ThinkerBy Kenneth L. Hutcherson

Liberals would prefer no opposition. Behind the force field of political correctness, there should never be any disagreement once the liberal mind has decided that something is good for society. There can be no opposition to the "correct" way of thinking, and if you don't think "correctly," you are attacked. 

Those who dare to disagree with liberal orthodoxy are punished sooner or later. Not even someone as powerful as Rush Limbaugh, whose dream of part ownership of the St. Louis Rams was shattered by a particularly insidious species of liberal intolerance, is immune.

This is personal to me -- very, very personal. I have watched the news, I have seen television, and I have heard different commentators talk about my friend, all the while knowing the things they say are lies. I am proud to be an American and proud of the United States of America, and again this makes it personal to me. I not only see Rush Limbaugh and the conservative movement in this action being attacked, but the entire foundation of what made America great.

Freedom is under attack, and we as Americans need to wake up and stop this madness in the greatest nation ever formed.

Let's talk about what seems to have happened to Rush Limbaugh. Here is a man who loves professional football almost as much as he loves America's traditions, values, and heritage of liberty. Rush has dedicated his life to the study of both football and America. He understands America and superbly communicates his understanding with millions every weekday. He understands the game of football, and has influenced it positively by being its biggest fan. Yet Rush has suffered attempts to destroy him with lies, misunderstandings and a direct effort to eliminate his influence in America...over the pretext of what? A game? 

I truly believe that this is brought on by what I call the Minority Thought Pattern. Let's not mince words: the Minority Thought Pattern is the total disdain and hatred of what God has accomplished through the white male throughout history. Coming from an African-American, I know this will shock you.

I am not minimizing the accomplishments of women, African-Americans, immigrants, the religious, or anyone else who is part of America. But the white male was here on Plymouth Rock for God to use, and the Pilgrims had a great belief in that God. The nation built out of their efforts, reflecting their values (most especially their religious values), has become the light of liberty for the world and an obstacle to those power-hungry individuals who hate it.

It is critical to understand that not only minorities, but also many whites of both sexes have embraced the Minority Thought Pattern. You see, the minorities in this world do not have the power or the financial backing to accomplish the destruction of the great Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of America's greatness.

Spike Lee attempts to change history by criticizing Clint Eastwood for not using black people in his movie about the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima, when in fact there were no black people at Iwo Jima. 

The Minority Thought Pattern is the fuel for minorities, and especially African-Americans, to attack the very fabric that has given them the greatest opportunity to accomplish anything they so desire, including the opportunity for a people of slavery to rise and put a slave's descendant into the White House. (I am still trying to figure out what faction of his ancestry descended from slaves.)

The Minority Thought Pattern is aimed at destroying America, at rending the very fabric that makes America great. The Minority Thought Pattern denies the greatness, honor, bravery, courage, humility, and sacrifice that has brought us the power to be the greatest nation that has ever existed. The Minority Thought Pattern has a mission to undermine and redefine every characteristic of America, maintaining that it is a nation based on greed, cowardice, selfishness, and a lack of genuine humility. The Minority Thought Pattern is the reason for all the apologies to the rest of the world for how bad American is, coming even from our top leader.

The problem that America has always had is the lack of understanding of what a conquering nation does. When a nation conquers another it always forces the conquered to assimilate into the conqueror's culture and ways. We as Americans have always been the great melting pot of society and the world. We want everyone to become just like us.

The Minority Thought Pattern now wants a nineteen-burner stove with every pot separate and different, and that has given us multiculturalism today. Multiculturalism in its present form has already proven unworkable. Remember in the South the fight between blacks and whites with the concept of "separate but equal." Blacks realized that being "separate but equal" is not equality at all. Those separate pots are no different.

Who in this modern America decide what is right and wrong, what is politically correct or not? Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros,, the NFL, the Players Association, and the liberal thinkers and media? I ask, who are the bigots here? The Minority Thought Pattern is the great supporter of ignorant intellectualism. It is the foundation that destroys common sense. 

Over the weekend, Rush spoke to Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday:

WALLACE: So what do you think that was about? What do you think happened?

RUSH: Well, I think it's actually about the fact that the NFL is about to lose its current collective bargaining agreement with the players.

And guess who happens to be the new executive director of the players association? A guy named DeMaurice Smith, who is Obama. He's part of his transition team. He has -- he has suggested that the Congress, the White House, might get involved in stop a player-owner lockout.

So I -- I think -- and he got involved in this, too, you know. He was out participating in the spreading of quotes I didn't say, warning Goodell and the owners what might -- I think this was a warning shot across the bow, saying to the NFL, "Look, we're going to be close to running this league, not you. We don't want this guy here."

And I think -- I don't -- I don't really take this personally, but I do think it was a bunch of cowardice all the way around.

This is a classic example of the Minority Thought Pattern at work, commingling guilty and fearful whites with a sense of rage and grievance from minorities. As result, the game that both Rush and I love has suffered. An American institution, founded by whites but open to and heavily populated by blacks today, is harmed.

This is extremely personal to me. It's about a friend. When I look at Rush, I don't see a white man; I see a friend. I don't see a talk show host (a very famous talk show host); I see a friend, and friendship overrides color and political stances. I don't see a controversial figure, but a man whose heart and thoughts I know, and a man who is not a racist.

I believe with all my heart that minorities, especially African-Americans, will never be free until they stop allowing people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to insist they adopt the mentality of victims. Likewise, they will not be free until they take the next bold step: start thanking God for America, and stop condemning the white male.

It is time for America to reject the Minority Thought Pattern and the hateful campaign against Rush Limbaugh.

Dr. Kenneth L. Hutcherson, a former NFL linebacker, is senior pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland, Washington.


Call your Congressmember RIGHT NOW to oppose Pelosi's HR 3962

Right now, Democrats in the United States House of Representatives are meeting and trying to push through Nancy Pelosi's government "health care" bill, HR 3962.

The latest terrible fact to come out is that families that don't comply with Pelosi's plan will be subject to huge fines or jail time.

Please pick up the phone. Because, unless you and millions of Americans call right now to oppose HR 3962, this very bad bill could be approved Saturday or Sunday.


Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard day or night at 202-224-3121 to provide your zip code to be connected to your representative's office.

Click this link to call your U.S. Representative by name. It is strategic for you to call BOTH the Capitol office AND the local district office of your representative.

Tell your United States Representative's office staff, "Please tell the Representative to vote NO on the government healthcare takeover. Vote NO on abortion funding, whether it is directly or indirectly funded by taxpayers. Vote NO on HR 3962."


Tom Winter, editor of Human Events, describes the threat of Obama/Reid/PelosiCare:

"…this monstrous, evil plan must be stopped. If Obamacare passes...

MEDICARE WILL BE SLASHED. To pay for his government healthcare behemoth, Obama admits he'll have to cut $500 billion from Medicare. How can he chop that much without reducing medical services to seniors? He can't. It's fiscally impossible. Medicare services will have to be cut.

YOU'LL LOSE YOUR CURRENT COVERAGE. Truth is, Obama's plan is designed to eliminate employer coverage. He's acknowledged it, but only to fellow liberals. When the "public option" forces private insurers out of the market, odds are you'll be shoved into a government plan.

YOU'LL LOSE YOUR CURRENT DOCTOR. Once the government plan is reality and you've been forced to participate, it's a virtual certainty you'll lose your doctor. In fact, the more skilled your physician is, the more likely he or she will shun working for the government. Obamacare won't take your doctor away. Obamacare will drive your doctor away.

ILLEGALS WILL GET FREE HEALTHCARE. Despite what Obama says, none of the Democratic bills prohibits coverage for illegal aliens and all Republican attempts to exclude such coverage for illegals have been rejected.

OBAMACARE WILL BANKRUPT AMERICA. Universal healthcare will add at least $1 trillion to the already mind-boggling deficit. Obama claims "eliminating waste and fraud" will save money -- a laughable assertion, since when has the government ever decreased its spending? In the end, Obama will slash Medicare and raise taxes, pleading he had no choice.

OBAMACARE WILL PAY FOR ABORTIONS. Obama calls this a "lie." But all Democratic plans call for payments for "reproductive services," a well-known euphemism for abortion. Plus, Obama's minions in Congress have rebuffed all amendments prohibiting coverage for abortions. You be the judge. What are the Democrats trying to hide?


A few dozen pro-life Democrats in Congress are on the edge about taxpayer dollars paying for abortions and pro-death consultations, which, no matter what you've heard, are still in HR 3962.

HR 3962 contains two clear end-of-life provisions -- including one that requires insurance companies to distribute advance directives and other planning tools to all who are insured on the new government-run exchange. These advance directives, by default, deny patients food and water if they become unconscious, just like California's government-drafted living wills. (This is why you need the protection of the pro-life "Will to Live.")

The other provision allows Medicare reimbursement for optional end-of-life planning consultation, which claims to ban "assisted suicide," but does not prohibit "palliative sedation," which leads death by dehydration.


HR 3962 explicitly allows federal funding of abortion through the public option, and permit federal subsidies to go to private insurance plans that cover abortion.

According to House Republican Leader John Boehner, the government-run health care bill being considered in Congress would include "a monthly abortion premium ... [to] be charged of all enrollees in the government-run plan."

Boehner states, "Section 213 [of the bill] describes the process in which the Health Benefits Commissioner is to assess the monthly premiums that will be used to pay for elective abortions under the government-run plan.  The Commissioner must charge at a minimum 1$ per enrollee per month."


Unfortunately, a fake pro-life amendment by Democrat Brad Ellsworth of Indiana is being pushed to try to round up votes from "pro-life Democrats."

The National Life to Life Committee is exposing the abortion funding in HR 3962:

To read NRLC's November 2 letter to U.S. House members, explaining in detail the pro-abortion problems with the bill, click here.  To read NRLC's statement on the phony "Ellsworth Amendment" that Pelosi is using to undercut the real pro-life amendment, click here.

As reports:

However, pro-life groups across the country say Ellsworth's proposal is a sham.  Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Obama administration are desperately trying to undercut Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Michigan) and other pro-lifers who want to pass an amendment barring abortion funding.

"How do they do that?  By coming up with some phony baloney language and finding some pro-life guy who's willing to play along and be the front man," explains Johnson. "And unfortunately Mr. Ellsworth has been drawn into that role."

Johnson says Ellsworth's amendment not only keeps abortion in the bill, but it also adds insult to injury.

"He actually writes…he would write into the bill a provision where the federal Secretary of Health would have to pay a private contractor to make the payments to the abortionists.  Now, that's a money laundering scheme," he contends.  "It's still the federal government, the federal government taking federal government money and paying the abortionists for abortion on demand, and somehow he thinks that they can claim it's not the federal government if the federal official has to hire somebody to deliver the payment."

Johnson is urging Americans who do not want the government creating a large new abortion program to call Congressman Ellsworth and let him know they are not fooled by his "political hoax."

They set up kings without my consent;
they choose princes without my approval.
With their silver and gold
they make idols for themselves
to their own destruction.
Hosea 8:4 NIV

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Liberals Up In Arms In Manteca

It's getting cold in this room. I can sense the liberals trying their best to think.

Since being a loyal customer of the MB and now online, I've seen too much liberalism and left-wing moveon dot org template driven hype to cause illness more than the H1N1 virus.

It's time to see some new blood and conservative values being brought on this site because we're all just tired of listening to those with intellectually bankrupt ideas and theories. There needs to be a balance, not a dominance. This is why I started with posting several of the conservative articles written by the likes of Dick Morris, Randy Thomasson and Michelle Maulkin. The good news it out, Conservatives are making a strong comeback and Obama is starting to look like the man-child he is.

It's good to start getting the feedback and comments from those who spew the most and try to use every trick in the book to get their way, especially the race card. When someone uses this card they are afraid. Afraid of themselves being conservative because others around them are afraid of themselves and thus given up. WE call these closet conservatives.

So, up in arms liberals. Conservative blogging is now going into full force in the MB. I'm reading all of it and I'm going to be dedicated to proper responses. The Manteca Response.

Stop 'Harvey Milk Day' in your local school district

Prevent school-wide 'Harvey Milk' exercises
Harvey Milk Gay Day is optional, so pro-family citizens must speak up

You're upset. We're upset. Every pro-family citizen is upset with Arnold Schwarzenegger signing "Harvey Milk Gay Day" into law in California.

In addition to rescuing your children and grandchildren from the immoral government school system, many have asked, "Is there anything else we can do?" YES, THERE IS.

We've been reminding you that the only way to truly protect your children from a raft of existing sexual indoctrination laws is to homeschool or church-school them.

But you can also try to prevent school-wide and district-wide Harvey Milk "suitable commemorative exercises" every May, on or around May 22.

You see, by creating an official policy against "Harvey Milk Gay Day," a school district can do much to prevent individual principals and teachers from promoting the notorious Harvey Milk to impressionable children.

Why? Because SB 572 says it's up to school districts and individual schools whether to accept and embrace "Harvey Milk Gay Day." Many liberal school districts will, but others won't if school board members and principals receive a flood of calls and emails.

So direct your anger and do something good today to love God and love children:


1. Call your area's government SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS and tell them to reject Harvey Milk Gay Day. Urge the school board members to pass a proclamation or policy prohibiting Harvey Milk curriculum and exercises. Such a policy would prohibit all the schools in the district, as well as individual teachers, from promoting Harvey Milk's sexual indoctrination to children as young as kindergarten.
Find the government school district office in your community: Search by name or city, then click the "District Web site," then find the link for the school board members, then call and email the board members (usually five per school district).

2. Call INDIVIDUAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS -- elementary, middle, and senior high -- in your community. Urge school principals to reject Harvey Milk Gay Day. Speak to them directly on the phone or leave a message to say you don't want "suitable commemorative exercises" honoring Harvey Milk happening at this school.
Find individual government schools in your community: Search this database to call and email the principal at each government school in your community.

The sad truth is, with or without Harvey Milk Gay Day, cross-dressing teachers and homosexual-bisexual-transsexual instruction and activities is already the law for children in every California government school. Parents have a moral obligation to rescue their children from perverse brainwashing.

Visit RescueYourChild and's Facebook page to learn how you can homeschool or afford a solid church school or help start up a low-cost church school.
Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die;
save them as they stagger to their death.
Don’t excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we didn’t know.”
    For God understands all hearts, and he sees you.
He who guards your soul knows you knew.
    He will repay all people as their actions deserve.
Proverbs 24:11-12 NLT

Who Are You Calling 'Extremist'?

By Michelle Malkin
November 4, 2009
Here is one of the loudest messages of the 2009 off-off-year elections: Conservatives in America will no longer let their opponents define them as outside of the mainstream. They will not submit to Democrats. Or to the media. Or to Beltway Republican capitulationists. They will not "rebrand." They will not sit down. They will not shut up.

Just this past weekend, Democratic Rep. Jim Moran attacked the Republican candidates for governor and attorney general in his state of Virginia as the "Taliban ticket."

New York Times columnist Frank Rich decried the right's "Jacobins" and "Stalinists" who he said joined a "putsch" by supporting Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman instead of ACORN-embracing, Big Labor-promoting, pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, tax-and-spend Republican Dede Scozzafava in New York's 23rd congressional special election.

And senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett told ABC's "This Week" that the grassroots conservative-vs.-GOP leadership battle over NY-23 showed that the Republican Party leadership was "becoming more and more extreme, and more and more marginalized."

Let's talk "extreme."

Jarrett is the White House official who bragged openly about recruiting disgraced Marxist rabble-rouser Van Jones for the green jobs czar post. She lavished praise on his public career and said she had followed him "for as long as he's been active out in Oakland." In Oakland, Jones was working to dismantle California's juvenile justice system, pitting minorities against police officers and crusading to free death row cop-killer Mumia abu Jamal.

Who are you calling "extreme"?

Jarrett's White House colleague Patrick Gaspard, Obama's political director who intervened in the race to convince Scozzafava to endorse the Democratic candidate Bill Owens after she dropped out, was a top organizer at the militant Local 1199 chapter of the Service Employees International Union and an activist/organizer for the New Party and the Working Families Party -- both ACORN/Democratic Socialists of America front groups.

Who are you calling "extreme"?

"It's rather telling," Jarrett sniffed, "when the Republican Party forces out a moderate Republican, and it says, I think, a great deal about where the Republican Party leadership is right now." It's rather telling that the White House persists with this pointless marginalization strategy as Gallup polls show conservatives continuing to outnumber moderates and liberals across America.

As I pointed out in my Oct. 16 column, there was never anything moderate about Scozzafava. There was no fiscal conservatism to balance her social radicalism. It wasn't merely that she was "pro-choice." She was also a proud recipient of a pro-abortion award named after eugenicist Margaret Sanger.

It wasn't merely that she favored higher government spending. It was also that she supported the stimulus, which every single House Republican in office opposed, on top of her support for the union-expanding card-check bill, on top of her ambiguous statements on the energy tax-imposing cap-and-trade bill.

Newt Gingrich, who foolishly stood with Scozzafava until she threw herself under the bus over the weekend, piously invoked Reagan and condemned the extreme "purism" of unruly conservatives who wouldn't keep quiet about Scozzafava's radical-left agenda.

But conservatives are not demanding "purity." They are simply abiding by Reagan's own wise counsel in 1975: "A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers."

The Republican National Committee and National Republican Congressional Committee threw upward of $900,000 down the toilet for a candidate whose core views and political alliances undermined conservatism's fundamental beliefs in limited government from Day One. It was a reckless expenditure of the GOP base's hard-earned money and a bitter tuition bill for a teachable moment on the perils of political expediency.

The days when immoderate political operatives and feckless Beltway opportunists could define "moderation" by their own warped yardsticks without pushback are over.
Michelle Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies" (Regnery 2009).

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Manteca Bulletin Online Version Infested With Left-Wing Liberals

We're seeing more and more Obama trash operatives taking over online news blogs and infiltrating the comments sections to spew their vial and hate biased plague.

We can only hope that some day these people will be closely watched and monitored because even when we have free speech, it really matters if it were true and most importantly intellectually healthy and beneficial to our society as a whole.  It's about time we put an end to those who seem to use race and bigotry as their weapons of choice to silence those who have opened the door by championing all freedoms to everyone.

This country is seeing more change than ever before and the elections in Virginia, (a clear WIN for Conservatives, Governor, Lt. Gov., and Attorney General) New Jersey (another clear WIN for Conservatives) and NO HOMOSEXUAL Marriage in Maine.  NO to Obama and Pelosi and Reid.  No to liberals and no to socialism and homosexuals.  It appears that phony-nomics are soon to be out the door. 

Conservatism is on the rise again and this time I hope we all learned our lesson to never give up and to continue to delete liberalism and socialism and send them to Mesopotamia or the mesosphere. 

It's a shame that NY-23 went to a Democrat, but in a way I'm happy it did.  It's a slap in the faces of ALL Republicans and for the Conservative base to continue to get rid of all those RINO's and liberals we don't want or need in the Republican party.  It goes to show you the spies we have within that are there to use name only to get on the ballot and then switch allegiances.  The NY Republican candidate was clearly unaccepted and the party needs to be hit upside the head in order to get back to business, just like a dog in training.  Newt is old news and so are the other moderates.  We don't need them and it's time to take these next two years to clean house.  Let's get rid of them all.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Clouded Journalism Caused By Greedy Activist Beliefs

This weekends article written in the Manteca Bulletin disappointed us all. It was a clear and evident attempt at clouding the information of housing activists attempting to turn Manteca into a Welfare Housing district by imposing low income housing in the middle of larger homes in higher end neighborhoods.

I'm going to break it down.

"It is a sad day when those in the middle class look down on the working class." This one and only line in the article standing alone as a sentence and paragraph was designed to obtain sympathy and blame others. This is a tactic of liberal activists who don't have evidence or support for their unpopular activism. How did the Manteca Bulletin obtain this information to write this line? You just can't say it's just a term and means nothing. How does a person look down on another? Why do they do it? Who are exactly 'those'? They were writing specifically on this topic regarding the City of Manteca. It's a slap in the face to all those who are middle class (majority) and many of them, if not all of them are indeed working class, too. Does it seem that all middle class citizens are retired and have money and don't want anything to do with anyone else?

"And if you really think city councils and such can control the economy and marketplace, next time around you’d better vote only for economists although that won’t do you any good." This is simply rubbish! How on earth does he know this? On top of it, who the hell do you think you are telling someone who and how they should vote for? Are you trying to endorse someone specifically? If so, come out and say it.

"The council under California law had no choice but to approve the Winters Colonial Estates as it met all requirements. They also have an obligation to encourage affordable housing." The last line has a KEY word, 'encourage'. It does not mean it's the law, and we have to. It does not. The Federal and State governments have decided that it's up to the individual city municipalities because there they know best and they can decide on how to spend and obtain tax revenues. Because no true research as been obtained by the Feds and State there are no real citations for it to be a legal mandate except to ENCOURAGE municipalities to try to allow low income housing known as 'Workforce Housing', a concept designed to make Manteca look as if it's on equal ground to Beverley Hills real estate.

"If they’d really like to lose even more value, let’s stop all residential construction and throw the people working on building the homes, supplying the materials, and trucking them all out of jobs as well. That, of course will only create more unemployment and lead to even more mortgage failures and in turn depress housing prices even more." This was a stunning violation of journalistic integrity. How on earth does a person know this? Where did this information come from? We can only contemplate it is completely fabricated because unless the entire country stopped building (which it never will) this can not happen. Again, it's a tactic used by activists trying to skew the facts and label others not willing to support their cause as 'greedy' and 'middle-class' looking down on all others who deserve our money we worked hard for (more taxes) thus taking from the have's and giving to the have nots. If the Manteca Bulletin were to actually listen to the people of this city, we don't want anymore new housing. Just build out what is left on the books with the developers and be done with it. We need to focus on our roads and finances, someone who is an economist and professional in the community.

This is a lesson to learn. Although being able to provide housing to those who have jobs working in various (and specific only sectors) are admirable, it's clearly NOT WANTED in the City of Manteca. Most of Manteca's citizens are against low income welfare housing (workforce housing). It's too much at this time. The housing activists that want to design and build these tiny homes want to make newer homes to those already plastered all over the city which is a testament to everyone that these types of homes outnumber the owners of 'McMansions' being attacked for their very existence. Why do we need more? As evidenced, many of these homes are filled with very low income to NO INCOME residence existing on welfare and many of them are infested with drugs, illegals and blight more than someone's front yard not being mowed at a 'McMansion'.

When journalistic integrity goes out the door to support a low income activist builder and planner and using old history of other cities over 50 years ago and purely distorting the facts and even creating them, we're being conned and induced to arm-twisting tactics of we better support them or else. It's simply a waste of space and in my personal opinion, we're being scammed and bamboozled.

Smaller houses are OK, but not where they should not be and because there are 'restrictions' on them to purchase and who you can sell them to, it also will be in violation of other laws on the books denying a home purchaser and/or investor from taking advantage of these homes. Until this can be corrected and by legislation, the majority rules. And that means NO WELFARE HOUSING (Workforce Housing) in Manteca California.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Manteca Bulletin Knows How to Read Your Mind

We're back to the same old story again, 'History by Dennis'. The great orator of the Manteca Bulletin has posted his opinion in complete disregard for home owners living in larger homes than he and his unfortunates who can't afford them when the city of Manteca voted to have these types of homes in the city to help bring in new and increased tax based revenues.

The title of his article alone says it all, he's telling us subliminally that we are all wrong and need to follow in the steps of the liberal ideological machine, the 'tele-tail-prompter'. What is it telling us all? We're being clouded by our ambition to live comfortably and have money. Oh, my gosh! You mean we can't make money more than we should? Is it unfair? According to the Manteca Bulletin it is. Call the Payroll Czar!

I hate to say this, but I have to say it. Everyone is taking notice of Dennis Wyatt and his articles. Some days he's so far to the left he smells like Obama's ass! The next he's so far to the right, he's made a full circle. You can't please everyone and this is getting noticed by the readers.

The article sounds like a fourth grader getting his butt kicked by a third grader and trying to make up and excuse of the reason why this happened. I'm getting a kick out of all the excuses the Manteca Bulletin is giving for us to have Welfare Housing (Workforce Housing) in our city. It's really become a huge push for them to convince us all and chastise us at the same time.

Let's talk about this paragraph: "It’s amazing but the people doing the most complaining about “depressed housing prices” they contend are hurt even more by the fact there are 300 homes still being built a year in Manteca aren’t even thinking about selling. They don’t like the idea their home is losing value which is money they never had."

First, it's a fact that we have depressed housing prices. Second, as time goes by, we all who have purchased homes purchased for the number one reason all across the country. 99.9% of everyone purchased it as a retirement investment. It's not just a place to live and raise our families, it's a place to live and wait as time goes by so we can sell it and retire some place else. This is how it has been going on for decades Dennis. So yes, we DO NOT LIKE THE IDEA OF LOSING VALUE ON MONEY WE HAVE TO WAIT TO OBTAIN WHICH IS TIME. The idea is to have it later on and we don't need WELFARE HOUSING to bring the investment down that voters approved of so we can give away our money we don't have now for later to some poor segregated economically disadvantaged worker.

Let's take a look at this next paragraph: "If they’d really like to lose even more value, let’s stop all residential construction and throw the people working on building the homes, supplying the materials, and trucking them all out of jobs as well. That, of course will only create more unemployment and lead to even more mortgage failures and in turn depress housing prices even more."

I really have to say something about this: "σκατά αγελάδας εξακολουθεί να είναι σκατά"

I put it in bold because this is pure bullshit! How does he know if this would cause us to loose value on our homes? Where did he get this information from? What study? I really have no words to say about this because its all made up. This is a complete fabrication and meaningless and shows how un-journalistic and unreliable the Manteca Bulletin has become. This crosses the line of being a State run Pravda being written behind the Iron Curtain. We all know too many politicians use terms such as 'percentage' (over-used) and 'most' and now the Manteca Bulletin is using the same tactics of hyper-bally to get a point across that is pure fiction at best. Journalistic integrity is now gone.

There is a difference between passion about something and actually writing to inform us that our thinking is wrong and we're all greedy and because our future retirements are clouding our minds we need to feel shameful because we're responsible for putting the housing market down the drain further. I don't feel shamefull at all and neither does the many "McMansion" owners across this city.

The fact is, Dennis and Ben Cantu want to bring these houses to the market faster so that the prices remain cheap before our homes start to increase thus bringing these economically disadvantaged segregated workers in the price range before it's too late. That's the reason why and they are afraid to say it. I said it for them.

Workforce Housing is Welfare Housing plain and simple.