Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sun Post Uses Half It's Brain On Candidates Forum

The Sun Post website has been down for quite some time and even when it was up and running, it was terrible to look at. You call this a newspaper?

Regardless, I just finished reading their article about the candidates forum and I even watched the forum yesterday on Comcast Cable Access 97.

After carefully watching the forum and trying to see if there was a match with the article, there appears to be a bias in there because it was just boring. I'll get to the point here. Things were put together in such a way that it appeared that one candidate looked better on print instead of the forum. I smell a set-up!

I've seen this before. It happens all the time. The newspaper will set themselves up first so they are protected and appear non-biased so that when it comes time for this so called traditional "endorsement" from the editors, they will go with who THEY want, not what the public wants.

In my opinion I know who the public wants, but then again, what it comes down to is on election day. When the voter decides. The trick for the candidates is: get as many votes for you prior to the election so you can stand a chance at winning.

There are several ways of doing this and those with money do what I call, 'Armchair Politics'.

This is when you can trick your voter into believing you have been endorsed by several voter guides that cleverly have your name along side everyone else in a political party and they send it out ahead of time so that you can see this marketing image AND they say, "Send it in NOW so that your vote will count and NOT get lost in the mail." This is designed so that you won't and can't change your mind later on.

By the way. Carlon Perry of the Sun Post has used this method and so had Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder. I call this chickenshit! They can't get their fat asses out the door campaigning and wish to deceive you of your vote. This is exactly what it is. Carlon is the same as the others when it comes time for voting and I'm going to bet that he does NOT endorse Samuel Anderson. Why? Because Samuel is a true guy. He's been listening and he's been going out there and getting the vote, meaning, he's been listening to what the people want and he can come up with any idea to solve the problems we face in our city. No other candidates have done this.

Oh, they have looked pretty on the forum, but the new challengers did not have a platform. NONE! Ben Cantu only complained and he even mentioned he designed and built the current animal shelter which he is not proud of. All Ben could do is use his time to get out all this built up anger inside of him after all these years of working for our city and getting dumped on by the city council.

I have news for everyone in Manteca. Ben Cantu is still part of THE CLUB where everyone on the board except Vince belongs to. He happens to be the President of the Kiwanis, too. He also has a very nice retirement from our city right now AND he also is hired by the current board to work on various projects as a consultant. He was seen at a recent board meeting where he praised the current council for their decision on the work they hired him to do. Do we really want to vote someone on the board that is a whiner? He has potential, but he whines too much and has a grudge. We don't need that kind of behavior on our city council.

Debby Moorhead did pretty good. She did not seem too afraid this time around speaking. However, she's a good manager, but she's 'old school'. Even though she did have some good moments, she appear better in the article than the forum.

Jack Snyder and Steve DeBrum were on the defensive most of the time and tried to make it look easy, but they did struggle a bit trying to get their point across and seeming as if they did not do anything wrong. Their biggest mistake was "we're not responsible for the foreclosures in Manteca, it's a national problem." I don't think anyone bought that one. They over-built and that's a fact. They got greedy. Also, Jack Snyder has seen his last days, I don't think he has a prayer of winning, but he certainly can divide the votes. Hopefully enough to elect Samuel Anderson.

John Diaz tried as best he could, but he could not relate to anyone.

Here is my conclusion. The Sun Post will not choose the right candidates for endorsement and you've heard it here first. At least one of them should be Samuel Anderson. He worked hard for this and I have personally followed him twice going door to door. Both times I met him on the street without a previous meeting date set. This means he was out there no matter what time I chose. Second, he understands and hears what we need straight from the citizens mouths. He knows our concerns and he knows how to fix them. No other candidate has worked like this. Some have passed out flyer's using others, but Samuel has used his time and efforts to win this fairly.

Here is what I think will happen. Carlon Perry will choose Steve and Debby. Why? Because he is beholden to them. It's still a good'ole boys club. He'll tend to lean with who has been endorsed as they have stuck together on this. Might I remind you that the GOP has also endorsed Colin Powell and Arnold Schwarzenegger some time before several times. We now know who they belong to, they are the RINO's and Colin Powell has endorsed Obama. I'll talk about him sometime later on. However, it's a club and clubs stick together. They don't want outsiders involved with them. Samuel Anderson is our BEST choice for city council of Manteca.

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