Sunday, October 26, 2008

PG&E Donates To Homosexual Activists Against Prop 8 Including Steve DeBrum And Jack Snyder

I'm not going to discuss this one too much because it is obvious that Jack Snyder and Steve DeBrum have hidden their intentions to the voters by filing late to avoid any voters to change their minds on the absentee ballots. This is called a trick and since it's close to Halloween, I find it interesting that the trick is on us and the treat is on them.

Pacific Gas and Electric uses what they call 'shareholder' money in campaigns, but most people who are PG&E customers see it as 'ratepayer' money.

Steve DeBrum lists on his website that he is a member and Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus at St. Anthony's Parish in Manteca. However, the U.S. Bishops Committee on Marriage and Family and the Knights of Columbus are spearheading Proposition 8 in California. Yet, Steve DeBrum continues to accept homosexual activist money from PG&E who is against Proposition 8 and for the defeat of family marriage and has donated $250,000.00 for the defeat of Proposition 8.

These two men who claim to be honorable are actually HORRIBLE!

They need to do the honorable thing and give back the money and repent to Manteca citizens. What a lie and full-out trickery just like a den of thieves. All this to retain their seats on the council.

My vote goes for Samuel Anderson, again. He's the ONLY candidate that openly supports marriage for one man and one woman and Proposition 8. It is amazing how the ministers and preachers of Manteca don't do anything about this. Where are they? If you don't speak out against these two, then all of YOU are hypocrites just like them. I'll be sure to keep an eye out on the clergy in Manteca on this issue. I'll post you my update about the ministers later on.

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