Thursday, October 30, 2008

Manteca City Council Incumbents Forget The Family City

Dear Editor,

Manteca Incumbent Council Candidates DeBrum and Snyder each accepted donations of $850 from P.G.& E.; does this mean they are against Proposition 8?

In Mr. Snyder's case, being a member of the Masonic Lodge, it doesn't matter; however, Mr. DeBrum being a Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, by taking money from P.G.& E. (which is backing the anti prop 8 movement to the tune of $250 thousand), seems to be countering the United States Bishops Committee on Marriage and the Family as well as the Knights of Columbus!

This simply cannot be.

Mr. DeBrum must give this tainted donation back to P.G.& E. or risk losing the votes of his church members and all that are in favor of prop 8! I'm sure he's rationalized it in his own mind as being a necessary political expedient and didn't think it would get out. But thanks to the due diligence of journalism it is out. I don't know the man but taking dirty money sullies whatever good he thinks he may be able to do with it.

Same sex marriage is against God's law, against age old secular norms and against common sense! The deviates are trying to turn the tables by implying that the issue is one of fairness and equality. Let them shack up and shut up! Marriage is a sacrament originally ordained by God to protect children by exemplifying the union of man and woman.

The family is the building block which makes up the foundation upon which any decent nation rests. As the idea of family is corrupted the foundation begins to crack and the nation collapses.

Steven J. Catalano
Manteca, USA

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