Friday, October 31, 2008

Steve DeBrum And Jack Snyder Spend BIG On Last Minute Campaign Marketing

It didn't take long for both city council candidates to spend their war chest on a last minute blitz on Manteca voters in an all out attempt to make it APPEAR they are the best candidate to vote for.

I disagree! Here's why.

First, there are two very large color voter marketing guides that were sent out by the following:

The San Joaquin Republican Assembly - CRA - It states: This election we have the opportunity to re-elect Republicans Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder to the Manteca City Council. I am proud to endorse these two dedicated "tax-fighters".

Let me put it simple for everyone reading this. The CRA members are well connected to the two incumbents and rely on their network of who is in power in order to keep their personal network. It's a bunch of fluff, no matter what party, Democrat or Republican.

When I had interviewed Samuel Anderson and his experience with the CRA he really was disappointed about this organization. Here is what he said. "When I arrived at their meeting and spoke I knew I was the most conservative candidate of all the candidates and these mailings prove their hypocrisy. They were more concerned about how I would use my position based on THEIR Biblical beliefs and considered EVERYONE else of belonging to a 'cult' because they were not 'Christians', at least in their own terms of that definition." "I have decided that they were too radical and nuts for me to even allow them to endorse me."

OK, so now you have heard what our leading candidate had to say about the CRA. From our investigation we also know that many of their members are members of other groups that also endorse the same candidates. Talk about keeping it in the family. But, where on earth are they coming up with the sentence, "tax-fighters"? Manteca is the HIGHEST taxed city in San Joaquin County because of Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder.

Our advice to the public: Do not believe the CRA (California Republican Assembly).

Let us visit the other made up marketing post card. This one is huge. It has a picture of both candidates Steve Debrum and Jack Snyder with a picture of Rex Osborn and VanClei DeFreitas. This paid advertisement states that the two councilmen are dedicated to our community and have the endorsement of the Manteca Police Officers Association and Employee's Association.

We have found out through direct contact of employees that they were pretty much forced into this and did not want to get involved, but through the arm twisting of probably some of the fellows whose picture are on the post card they went ahead regardless. This is a guess, but I'm sure quite accurate.

Allow me to put this simple for everyone. All this smells of a well-spent campaign on trying to keep in power the good'ole boys club. Why on earth would you even vote for these two men? Why on earth would you not be able to see of their acceptance of Pacific Gas and Electric money that citizens of Manteca consider their rate-payer money. And, Pacific Gas and Electric has spent over $250,000 on the anti-family homosexual activist group 'No on Proposition 8'.

Now, Steve DeBrum is a Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus that supports Proposition 8 and here he has taken money from Pacific Gas and Electric. I'm not saying too much about Jack Snyder here because he is old news. He's out! Mantecans want new blood and he's spent too much time on the council already, he will not win and don't waste your vote.

Manteca, just look at the associations of everyone and who they belong to. Let me give you this for breakfast. One of the two men in the photo together happens to have a girlfriend who is the executive director of the Manteca Visitors Bureau that was started by Steve DeBrum and his wife. Do you see what I mean? You do the math. Everyone in the know knows this and in case you didn't, now you do.

The Manteca Bulletin today posted Shasta School student voting results on the election of the city council in this order:

Tony Smith
Debby Moorhead
Jack Snyder
Samuel Anderson
Steve DeBrum
Mike Hall
Ben Cantu
John Diaz

Let me break it down for you here. I think this is correct, EXCEPT for the following. Tony Smith does not stand a chance. Take him out of this picture. Now, bring up the following - Debby Moorhead and Jack Snyder. We know that Jack Snyder is not going to be re-elected. Now, bring it up again. What does this leave us with? It leaves us with what we have endorsed all along - Samuel Anderson and Debby Moorhead. People have already made up their minds in this election and because of the failure of our National government, all incumbents are and should be scared. They want the slate to be clean and the council to be filled with "NEW BLOOD". The Manteca Response agrees.

Manteca, do not be fooled with the mailers of Steve DeBrum and Jack Snyder. They have NOT earned your vote, they are paying for it with Pacific Gas and Electric anti-family homosexual 'No on Proposition 8' money. They knew that they were going to accept this tainted money and take their chances. Call it guilt by association.

On Election Day, Vote for Samuel Anderson and Debby Moorhead for Manteca City Council.

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