Thursday, August 6, 2009

How to take back the country

We are at a tremendous opportunity now to take back the country and basically place Obama in a position of not being able to do anything, a first term lame duck president.

This means we need to take back the Congress and now is the time to do it. When we do it, we can literally STOP all payouts of all the programs and including paying the salaries of the czars who are political appointees designed to bypass the Congress, our representatives.

Conservatives and everyone who has started to realize that 'hope' and 'change' were nothing more than a smoke screen to lie, cheat and steal our lives and future lives of generations to come, we can do it! When 2010 comes, ensure that you vote for everyone other than those with a (D) after their names. Basically, only with an (R). Let's crush the socialists and media elites. They are all traitors to this nation.

I'm sure you remember what we use to do with traitors. I wish that were true today.

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