Saturday, August 16, 2008

Response to Manteca Opinion

This response is for an opinion written by Manteca Bulletin Sports Reporter Brandon Petersen.

I am responding to this article because it does need to be addressed. I have read both Frank Aquila's Letter to the Editor and Brandon's response and here it is.

First, when reading Frank's letter it had NO bad words or ill-intentioned remarks towards a particular individual. It was written as if it were reporting to the people of his findings and it was with footnotes from the Holy Bible to back up the truth Frank had written in regards to Marriage being between a man and woman ONLY. He also backed up his words that the Democratic Party wishes to change our culture of marriage by backing up his words with footnotes from the DNC and the Chairman of the organization himself.

Brandon Petersen on the other hand completely and utterly bashed Frank by a full onslaught of name calling and with no actual footnotes to back up his words except that he alone actually made Frank in the right by solidifying his words that the 'Left' and 'Democrats' and others wish to silence the majority and wish to put a muzzle on free speech by calling it hate speech.

Brandon Petersen himself, a declared 'Born again Christian', has crossed the line and attacked a person openly and publicly with his response and in my professional opinion he should be suspended from the Manteca Bulletin because he does represent that newspaper and its editor Dennis Wyatt. Flat out name calling is not only childish and immature, it's rude and disgusting and is not needed in the public forum. When is the public apology coming from Brandon Petersen, probably never. However, my personal opinion is that the Manteca Bulletin needs to put this 'Sports Reporter' on temporary leave and hire a respectable journalist who can write an article without the following words used in his opinion as seen below:

"'wrath', 'unrepentant hypocrisy', 'he's been brainwashed by Hannity or Limbaugh', 'your ditto-head bred hypocrisy', 'stop sending in hate speech masked in the name of God', 'Your words are as transparent as a greasy napkin'".

Brandon Petersen mentions that he is a 'born again Christian'. He states at the end of his opinion that "you don't speak for every follower of Christ" and most people don't. However, there are several versions of so called Christianity including what most true born-agains would call 'cults'. From a professional aspect Brandon sure does let out his true colors by masking his true 'beliefs' while trying to push another belief he has no intention of supporting which is God's teachings through His Son Jesus Christ.

Brandon appears as a left-wing liberal on full-throttle in this opinion. Immature at best and filled with hate at the most, this comment response needs to be addressed with a full apology to Frank Aquila and the readers of the Manteca Bulletin. I am surprised that Dennis Wyatt allowed this to be printed. It is vile and it is venom and it is expected from those who claim their Christianity because Brandon did not mention WHATSOEVER the punishment that God has for those who follow into sin and continue with it and also SUPPORT it. You are just as guilty as the sinner. Have you ever heard of 'Hell', Brandon? It is a very real place for you 'born again Christians'.

If this turns off Brandon from the truth then he has not truthfully repented of his sins as far as a Christian is concerned and he needs to apologize to his brother Frank for what he has done. In being a Christian, you can not be a selective Christian and not take sides. God calls that luke-warm and a dog returning to his vomit to eat it up.

Brandon has actually ridiculed God and His Hold Word. Frank came out in support of God's word and backed it up. Brandon came out swinging and used useless additives and fillers in his article that has no use whatsoever in the response by mentioning Bush, Cheney, struggling Americans and so on. It shows his true lack of maturity in writing, no real balance except true intent to destroy someones reputation and place it in the paper using fillers. We call this "young aspiring journalists writing to obtain that first notch in his belt". A petty one at that. Let me prove it to you.

"Not surprisingly, the best part of Aquila's piece came in the form of another man's words, those of George Washington, who he quoted as saying, "...The liberties of America are the object of divine protection." - Brandon Petersen.

How come as Brandon proclaims his 'born again' status does he not mention that Frank also quoted another man from the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ himself. Franks letter did mention God's words and the words of His Son Jesus Christ while he was on earth. Was this intentional by Brandon to leave it out? Yes, it appears so. Could it be that Brandon was scared to go against God and put God down? What's the matter, Brandon? Does mentioning to the readers that God's word is incorrect or wrong put some fear in your body?

Brandon Petersen appears to be the voice of God in his opinion and orders Frank Aquila to stop voicing his free-speech and flat out calls it hate speech 'masked in the name of God'. Just what Frank has said about the double standard the Democrats have and the ACLU which proudly display the Bill of Rights on their website but took out the Second Amendment which they too seem to have forgotten exists. This is just what the public has been noticing about local newspapers all across this country that they will write what they feel they want to write about and order you to read it and not to write what they feel they don't want you to write about. You just might 'offend' someone. That's the entire point of free-speech that our founding fathers had intended..."no matter how vile the words, let freedom reign". Oh, dear...did I just give Brandon Petersen a green light and a pass?


  1. The Manteca Bulletin needs to post a public apology of this opinion and specifically mention Frank Aquila. There is a line between opinion and name calling.
  2. Stop all opinions with direct name calling and hateful intentional speech towards others.
  3. Place Brandon Petersen on administrative leave for 3 months. The citizens of Mantea deserve better.

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