Thursday, September 10, 2009

A True American Hero

Congressman Joe Wilson was the ONLY Republican with balls! He pointed out with a loud SHOUT from his lungs, which were OUR voices as ONE to inform this fake president of his lies and outright theft of the American economy and to ensure illegals get citizenship.

Now, current Republicans are speaking out against one of their own about his behavior. How dare them. We need new conservatives and better congressman and congresswomen who do not put down their own. It's time for new leadership.

Shame on the Republicans for turning on Joe Wilson. He's the New Joe the Plumber. Obama is a fake, fraud and liar to the tilt and last nights address was a shame to the House and Senate floors. He spoke like a true socialist and dictator that he wants to be.

Republicans can now look forward to no more money, no more support from the membership. I am now canceling my membership to the RNC. Chairman Steele better get his microphone turned on in support of Joe Wilson and do it fast or he will start to loose membership.

Joe! Never apologize! You gave in. Shame on you for doing that. What you did was right but now you gave in. This is so terrible. Republican leadership needs to get out and we need to vote them out.

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