Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Manteca Chooses To Continue Business As Usual

Even though my candidates did not win with the exception of Debby Moorhead pulling ahead over Jack Snyder in a final count, I don't expect it to happen.

Manteca! You have chosen your poison. Most of you are idiots who voted for others with NO experience whatsoever, what morons you are. It's too bad that people can't think anymore. They refuse to give something so important a few minutes of their life to consider who would be the best for our city. I'll say it again...YOU ALL WHO VOTED FOR THE NEWCOMERS AND THOSE WHO JUST WANTED TO SEE THEIR NAMES ON THE BALLOT, ARE ALL DUMB-ASS IDIOTS. It's amazing how many stupid and idiotic people there are in this country.

Samuel Anderson was clearly one of the best and this ballot was full of bull and it affected the vote. I hope he will continue in the future. However, big money and the developers have won the day. It just goes to show you Manteca, you are worth $2.16 a piece. That is how much it cost the incumbents to win your vote.

I read the Manteca Bulletins Dennis W(hy)(is he there)yatt article on why Debby has a commanding lead because she did not go negative. Dennis! Bullshit! She was first on the ballot and that speaks volumes in any election and we all know the statistics on ballots full of candidates and the first two get a lot of votes. Regardless, I did choose her and if she gets it, then she gets it.

Our biggest worry folks is this. A President Obama. Hide your guns, hide your ammo, hide your money and gold. This guy is going to go socialistic on us like no other. We need to get the conservatism back in the GOP and take out all the RINO's and take back the house in 2010.

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