Monday, June 28, 2010

Manteca Mayor Race Heats Up...well...sort of

There are now five candidates running for Mayor of Manteca.  While I have stated my vote numerous times on the various blogs and comments online, I've been blasted by others for my endorsements of others years prior including an attempt to confuse by placing words in my mouth from some liberal about how I stated a half-truth about Carlon Perry.

The fact is I have a right to choose who I want to endorse and who I do not want to endorse.  I also have the right to change my mind years down the road.  If you don't like it, then FUCK YOU!  My free speech is what it is and I don't need anyone telling me how I should write or remind me of what I said attempting to hold me to it or prevent me from changing my mind.  What I will not accept is someone telling something that is fabricated to lie outright and accuse me of saying something I did not say.  That is a lie.  That is a spin.  Something liberals are very good at doing.

If you're going to comment online and say my name, you had better get it right...otherwise I'll give you a Check Mate. 

Right now our country is in need of good leaders, real leaders and those who can get the job done because they have no special interests as our current politicians do.  They hold no allegiance or run when they get attacked by liberals spinning half truths or holding them to articles years back.  They are not socialists or Obama supporters.  They are common sense and they are American.  All others are fakes.

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