Sunday, May 30, 2010

Liberal Immigration Nazi's Follow My Facebook

It's just amazing how these liberal "I HATE AMERICA" crowd follows me on my Facebook page 'Boycott Felipe Calderon's Mexico.'  Give it time, it will grow once July 29 comes around.  Keep this in mind you communist Nazi fascist sympathizers...I'm watching you, too.

Pictured here is one of the San Diego city councilman who decides to betray his country and oath of office than to stand and protect it.  These radicals are destroying our country and selling it off to the highest bidder who are Mexican cartels and government officials.  This is treason and one good reason why our nation has in its Constitution that FACT that we should NEVER allow anyone born in another country to be our President.  It should be the same in any office on our country.  Feel free to contact this traitor and send him a message.

District 8
Council President Ben Hueso

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