Thursday, April 1, 2010

The off-Beat San Francisco Village Idiot Shows Just How Much An Idiot He Really is

I can never have enough to say of these village idiots who can't spell, can't punctuate or even place words in a proper sentence with any meaning whatsoever such as Arick West a fagot upset about the Prop 8 winners who not only uphold justice and the laws of the land, but doesn't have a single brain cell determining if 'black' is a color or not.

His recent blog post attempts to blast Randy Thomasson who happens to be the ONLY person so far to stand up for truth and the law of the land about the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 which specifically states that no government agency or entity can circumvent marriage being between a man and woman only.

It never ceases to amaze me just how much intolerant these fagots and lesbians are.  They will do anything to break the law in order to make something out of nothing legal in their opinion.  California passed a CONSTITUTIONAL Amendment about marriage being only for a man and woman thus these disgusting people from the LGBT, Liberal Gestapo Bigots in Training, do nothing but bitch and complain about everything under the sun being ILLEGAL and UNFAIR and EQUALITY and EQUAL RIGHTS just because they can't have their way.

I just wish God would do away with them as He did in Sodom and Gamora, but fat chance at that happening anytime soon.  Hey Arick, get used to it...Prop 8 will stand and IF, and I say a BIG HUGE "IF", the marriage ever gets on the ballot again, it will stand.  It's called a nail in the coffin.  How disgusting to imagine how these sexual perverts enjoy smelling shit all the time.  That's just how their brains work, too.  Hey Arick, look at the map...yeah, uh-huh, green is mean, red is dead.

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