Friday, April 23, 2010

Arizona Governor Signs A Very Strict Anti-Illegal Bill into Law

With a slap in the face of the boy wonder President of the United States who isn't even legal to be president, Jan Brewer finally signed what the People of Arizona have been waiting for for years, something that will get rid of once and for all the too many illegal migrants that steal our work, suck our country dry and destroy it with devastation and disease.  It's about time and we praise Jan Brewer for her strict policies and not listening to Washington bullshit from that punk in the Oval office.  Finally, we can all go visit a clean state.  It needs to happen in California.

Make sure you contact this wonderful governor who puts the citizens and people first and not illegals who break our laws and claim rights they legally do not have and should not have and spend our money and place a burden on our services rightfully for our citizens.

Governor Brewer is a national hero to this great country of ours.

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