Friday, March 19, 2010

DNC and Whitehouse Furiously Working and Promising Jobs to House Reps in Exchange for Vote on Healthcare

The political elite and the DNC along with their strong financial supporters are promising jobs for those house democrats committing a Blagojevich Maneuver who offer their 'yes' vote on the current health care debacle bill being illegally forced on the American people.

Staffers and high ranking individuals in all areas of private sector and secretly public sector positions are promising to give to all those who will loose in the November 2 elections jobs that will keep them in the money and along with it, bonuses and perks.

America has been bought and paid for by foreign investors such as George Soros and those hell bent on destroying this nation.  It's time to put your congressman on the line and demand a 'NO' vote on this massive intrusion in our lives and personal doctors.

It is being said that Jerry McNerney is being offered a position in the energy sector for his vote.  He has already sold his vote in the last house floor vote and says he is on the sideline right now.  However, online sources are saying his is waiting for confirmation in order to sell his vote, or committing a Blagojevich Maneuver.

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