Saturday, November 7, 2009

U.S. Congress Declares War On American Citizens

The United States House of Representatives today passed HR3962, the Pelosi health care act.  This bill is designed to take away the rights of the American citizens and violates the United States Constitution.  This is a direct attack on the American people and their rights and privacy and we should not stand for it.

The Democratic party, DNC, has violated the oath of office and have declared war.  If our founding fathers were alive today, they would not be sending out faxes or emails, they would be up in arms destroying these anti-freedom liberals who are hell bent on attacking our freedoms and ruling us, not represesenting us.

It sickens me that we have come down to this and have allowed special interest groups, foreignors and illegal aliens take a great stand in our country causing us to become an even more weakened.

Anh 'Joseph' Cao, Republican "in name only" from Louisiana has voted for this bill.  He was born in Vietnam, what does this tell you?  It is time to get rid of this RINO and ensure that we get rid of all RINO's across this country.  It's time for a revolution to take place and to get rid of these bigot "I hate America" legislators. 

Anh 'Joseph' Cao is a traitor to this nation.

When will the U.S. Supreme Court intervene?  This illegal act should be stopped immediately.  America is being taken over from within and it's time to stop all those who wish to kill this great nation and conservative values.  Death to liberalism.

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