Friday, October 9, 2009

Liberals are Liars! Cheats and Cons!

They can't do anything in the polling booth, they have to steal it. They can't even get things through Congress, they have to use methods that are for constitutional budgets such as cloture.

They have to hide and steal money to buy elections and use the media as a State run entity to lie to the American public. They have to keep forcing homosexual agendas down our throats and make them a protected class of citizens while indoctrinating our children.

They have to use foreign money to win elections and hide the money where it came from but yet if any American citizen has a foreign bank account, you are considered a criminal.

They consider Palestine a people and nation and Hezbollah and Hamas kindred brothers and sisters in need of their rightful homeland allowing them to murder innocent people to do it and letting them get away with it while in fact they are not even a nation or a people, they are left-overs of Jordan and Egypt and those people did not even want them back after the war they started with Israel. There is no legitimate claim whatsoever for these people. There can be NO STATE for Palestine.

They consider Iran a friendly nation with the right to produce a nuclear bomb dead set on destroying Israel as just the beginning of their current and future agendas of mass destruction.

They continue to set themselves aside as the elite and never listen to the people and turn on our nation and call it shit and shame on all of us for being the best.

They continue to weaken our nation, undermine our troops and cause our dollar and economy to become non-existent and while causing millions and millions to loose their jobs and having caused the housing market on purpose to take advantage of a catastrophe.

They caused our national debt to spiral out of control and in just one month outspent the entire nation as a whole since inception.

Now they have tried to fool us again with this Norwegian Nobel Peace prize giving it to a moron who has NEVER done a single thing in his pathetic life who refuses to produce a document called a birth certificate as President of the United States when not even a crossing guard for a school can do their job unless they produce one.

Lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies. How much more can we handle?

What is wrong with this picture?

It's called the Democratic National Committee, the DNC, all of them are traitors and thieves and racist bigots.

Where has the real America gone?

Today, the United States was given a preempted strike by liberals in Europe to silence us and make a person with no credentials accept a million dollar paycheck while George W. Bush freed over 80 million Muslims worldwide and protected them and gave them the vote. We just got a black eye from idiots who see the world as a domination they must control and take over our lives by lying again giving this prize away to someone in office for only 11 days.

When Russia decides to invade Europe, let them have it. Let them take it all. Let Europe fight their own wars from now on.

When some dictator invades some oil rich Kingdom, let him. Let him kill everyone and take over the oil. That way, we can go back in and take over the country ourselves and keep the oil. May the spoils go to the victor.

What an embarrassment to our country America!

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