Thursday, June 11, 2009

Homosexual Activists and David Letterman

Between Carie Prejean loosing her crown because of Keith (I'm right, you're wrong) Lewis (with Donald Trump(ed)(up) not doing anything, the pop culture icon he is), I believe there is no difference between them and our States legislature. A bunch of radicals who are simply just one person at a time and with a camera taking pictures and presenting it all to YOU, the viewers, who seem to do NOTHING at all.

Who gives a flying cluck about all this pop culture and what Hollywood thinks or does? My goodness, the madness of camera's in your face as if these so calls 'stars' have done something worth a medal of some kind.

David Letterman, a 62 year-old pervert! This guy is a fanatic pervert who did not get married and had a child out of wedlock and he's the one to blame the same on Sarah Palin's daughter? David came on the show and openly invited the Palin's just to get it shoved right down his throat again. He did this because he knows he crossed the line and now his ratings are going down, down, down and soon will meet up with Hell, sooner or later.

Keith Lewis is just a pervert and single person himself, he's nothing! Stand up everyone, say NO to homosexuals who want to think they can do something to you for not taking their side. I won't tell you what I would do, but I would do something and it would not be pretty.

Listen everyone, stand up! It's time to stand up against all this liberal media and press who have no journalistic back-bone or ethics anymore. The democrats and liberals are thrashing this country and taking it down the toilet. Are you all that lazy? Can't you see that jobs are leaving California and it's because of Jerry Brown and Arnold and all those liberal democrats who can't seem to see that we are tired of being taxed to death?

It's time to say good bye to them. It's time to vote them out or do something to get rid of them. One way or another, they have to go. I'm so tired of the best State in the union being taken over by Hollywood and homosexuals and pop culture intellectually bankrupt idiots.

Wake up America! Time is running out and Socialism is taking over and you will be working for the government all right, guaranteed.

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