Monday, November 1, 2010

Manteca City Council Incumbents Set To Loose On Tuesday

Since the liberal democrats took office and control of Washington it has been a downward spiral of our entire economy and deliberate destruction of the American way of life and how we live.  People have had enough of the Obama political machine of lies, destruction, obstruction and many other violations of our Constitutions and laws.  

Tomorrow will be the day when everyone has had enough and this includes all incumbents who have sat on their butts far too long and have lied on their promises.  The attitude of the American people is to simply vote them all out.  This includes voting out of office John Harris and Vince Hernandez.  They have been on this council too long and it's time for them to be set aside.

Voters in Manteca want fresh ideas and they want people are who actually capable of doing it.  Richard Behling and Samuel Anderson will be the new voices on the council after tomorrow.  It will be exciting to see new blood on this council and how it will change our city.  Incumbents will be dealt a serious blow tomorrow and will show on Wednesday morning when the House of Representatives will be replaced by conservatives.  Time to put that boy wonder man-child Obama in his place.  What a joke to our people and especially those who drank the Kool-aid.

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