Monday, January 18, 2010

Coakley Supporters and Volunteers Leaving in Droves

With the inevitable win of Scott Brown for U.S. Senate over the horizon workers and consultants for Martha Coakley are leaving in droves and taking with them laptops, phones, and whatever else isn't locked down because of fear of not getting paid.  Her campaign is locked strapped for cash and in debt.

Workers are seeing first hand the hysteria and fear that this loss will bring and how Martha Coakley is desperately hoping for a comeback from her lack luster campaign.  Many are in fear of not getting paid for their service and campaign consultants are already stoping their work because of not enough funds to pay off this race.

While she still tries to appear in control and after coming out of a terrible campaign boost from Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, it only made her campaign loose even more instead of giving her the boost she needed.  It backfired when the President started acting like a ghetto thug with his rants and raving about Scott Brown.  Massachusetts citizens have had enough of the entitlement mentality of this senate seat and are saying it belongs to the people.

As it stands now, Martha Coakley campaign is toast and finished.  Democrats are not going to come out for her this time, same with the unions.  Republicans now have a clear win in Tuesdays race.  No more filibuster proof senate.

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