Monday, April 27, 2009

Manteca Bulletin Is Nothing But A Liberal Express

Here I am reading today's Manteca Bulletin and all I get is a face full of "gee, I wish I were in the good ole reject 70's of Governor Moonbeam." The only thing really that was great about the 70's was the rock music.

Dennis Wyatt does nothing but spew out liberal vomit of how great Jerry Brown is and how he is the best and quite frankly, better choice to be California's next Governor...again! Will he ever stop? Does he have anything better than regurgitate old news? He's done a similar article just like this before, just turned it around a bit.

He thinks that Gavin Newsom is someone that even has a chance? Give me a break! I think Hannah Montana has a better chance than that homosexual-loving mayor who only gives a hoot about himself and wouldn't even listen to the real problems that are going on in California. All he'll do is appoint homosexuals to made up boards with over-paid salaries and whatever else he can do to populate our State government with all these anti-family bigots. Gavin Newsom is a lost cause. (so is the Manteca Bulletin at this point)

This article wreaks with stink and it's all about liberals and democrats. The people are sick and tired of all of this and when 2010 comes around, I'm believing that we're going to see some changes and I'm still in high-hopes that California will turn around some day and get rid of the illegals and all the high tax and spend liberals to boot. Send all of them back to Mexico or south of the border. At least we can now start to challenge the gun laws in this state. Let's see what we can do.

I would expect something better from the Manteca Bulletin regarding who the next California governor should be, but that's what you get when you have a liberal agenda newspaper pumping out pure propoganda.

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